The quark-parton model is discussed from the point of view that the quark partons are the quanta created by the Fourier transforms of the quark fields at constant x+. We argue using this picture that, for a given behavior of a hadron's deep-inelastic structure function W2(x) as x1, the Drell-Yan-West relation provides a lower bound on the behavior of its form factor F1(Q2) as Q2. The connection between the parton and Bethe-Salpeter descriptions of hadron structure is described and used to translate known information about the pion's Bethe-Salpeter wave function into information about the amplitude for a pion to consist of precisely two quark partons. We find that the two-parton contributions to νW2(x) and F(Q2) behave roughly like νW2(1x)2 for small (1x) and F(Q2)(Q2)1 for large Q2, respectively.