The ‘Newtonian-plus-centrifugal’ approximate solution (Busemann (1933) and Ivey (1948)) for hypersonic flow past plane and axially symmetric bluff bodies in gases with the ratio of the specific heats λ constant and equal to unity is rederived using ‘boundary layer’ techniques together with the von Mises variables x and ψ. A method of successive approximations then gives a closer approximation to this solution for ε (λ − 1)/(λ + 1) small and the free-strea Mach number infinite. Formulae for the streamlines, shock shape and pressure distribution are determined to this approximation. These formulae are valid for any plane or axially symmetric shape, giving the ‘stand-off’ distance of the shock wave from the body as ½εlog(4|3ε) and ε times the nose radius of curvature for plane and axially-symmetric flows respectively. Particular results are computed for a number of special shapes. For certain shapes, the theory has a singular point where the first approximation to the pressure vanishes (θ = 60° for a sphere). Actually, the theory is not applicable where the pressure becomes too small. The corresponding theory for gases of general thermodynamic properties is deduced, the approximation being valid provided the total energy of the gas is large compared with the energy contained in the translational modes of the gas molecules.

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