Three cases of EB virus-associated uveitis

We report our experience with three cases of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) - associated uveitis. These patients had the following common clinical features: 1) a common cold-like prodrome, 2) bilateral involvement, 3) severe acute anterior uveitis with fibrinous exudate, 4) granulomatous anterior uveitis in the chronic stage, 5) little vitreous inflammation, 6) marked hyperemia and edema of the disc, 7) sunset glow fundus developed very early, 8) a good response to steroids but recurrence was common, 9) good final visual acuity, 10) no systemic changes in the course of the uveitis. High EBV IgG VCA antibody titers were found in the aqueous humor in all three cases (case 1,1:40; case 2,1: 160; case 3,1: 20). As controls, 37 cataract patients and 14 patients with various types of uveitis were examined for EBV antibodies in the aqueous humor. The result was negative in every case. On the basis of these data, the uveitis in these three patients appears to represent a new clinical entity: uveitis caused by EBV.

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