Herbicides and Cultivation for Sicklepod,Cassia obtusifolia, Control in Soybeans,Glycine max

Sicklepod control with one or two cultivations or postemergence (POE) directed-spray applications of linuron or metribuzin plus 2,4-DB was less than 50% in August evaluations when no soil-applied herbicide had been used. However, sicklepod control greater than 75% was noted through August when two cultivations or metribuzin plus 2,4-DB applied POE followed either metribuzin applied preplant incorporated (PPI) and preemergence (PRE) or metribuzin plus alachlor applied as a PRE treatment. One cultivation after these soil-applied herbicide treatments did not reduce sicklepod populations compared to the chemical treatments alone. Soybean yields more than doubled over yields in untreated plots when a combination of soil-applied herbicides and two cultivations or metribuzin plus 2,4-DB applied POE were used.