Radiations ofI126

The β and γ radiations and the electron capture process of I126 have been thoroughly investigated. The β branch consists of three groups of maximum energies 1.25, 0.865, and 0.385 Mev. The relative intensities of these three β groups are 1:3.1:0.63 respectively. The shape of the highest energy β group identifies the ground to ground transition to be a unique first forbidden one (ΔJ=2, yes). The spectrum of the middle β group as measured by the magnetic coincidence spectrometer has an allowed shape. The number of β+ disintegrations is only 2.8 percent of that of the β disintegration. Two groups of maximum energies 1.11 and 0.46 Mev were found with an intensity ratio of 3.5:1. The shape of the β+ spectrum of the ground to ground transition is also the unique first forbidden type. The correlations among the various γ lines and x-line and their relative intensities are determined by a selective coincidence scintillation spectrometer. In conclusion, the spin and parity of the I126 ground state is definitely 2 and its decay scheme is in general agreement with that of Perlman and Welker.