A Contribution to the Cellular and Humoral Theories of Anaphylaxis and Similar Processes

The present research is based upon the aspect of anaphylactic shock, as a physico-chemical phenomenon, elaborated in detail by one of us elsewhere. (1, 2, 3, 4, 13). From this point of view, all the morbid symptoms characteristic of anaphylactic shock, and death itself, must be looked upon as the result of a change of the degree of dispersion of the colloids of the organism, and not as the result of a purely chemical affection, that is, poisoning in the usual meaning of the word. Simultaneously, it has been shown that the clinical picture of the symptoms and the anatomical changes, pathognomonic of anaphylaxis, are brought about in the organism generally in the same circumstances in which in vitro the precipitation of a serum or the agglutination of erythrocytes occur; and it is immaterial whether this multiform effect is dependent upon previous immunization of the animals undergoing the experiment or whose serum is taken; or whether a substance is used in the production of which the animal experimented upon had taken no part.

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