The calculation of multipoint likelihoods of pedigree data is crucial for extracting the full available information needed for both parametric and nonparametric linkage analysis. Recent mathematical advances in both the Elston-Stewart and Lander-Green algorithms for computing exact multipoint likelihoods of pedigree data have enabled researchers to analyze data sets containing more markers and more individuals both faster and more efficiently. This paper presents novel algorithms that further extend the computational boundary of the Elston-Stewart algorithm. They have been implemented into the software package VITESSE v. 2 and are shown to be several orders of magnitude faster than the original implementation of the Elston-Stewart algorithm in VITESSE v. 1 on a variety of real pedigree data. VITESSE v. 2 was faster by a factor ranging from 168 to over 1,700 on these data sets, thus making a qualitative difference in the analysis. The main algorithm is based on the faster computation of the conditional probability of a component nuclear family within the pedigree by summing over the joint genotypes of the children instead of the parents as done in the VITESSE v. 1. This change in summation allows the parent-child transmission part of the calculation to be not only computed for each parent separately, but also for each locus separately by using inheritance vectors as is done in the Lander-Green algorithm. Computing both of these separately can lead to substantial computational savings. The use of inheritance vectors in the nuclear family calculation represents a partial synthesis of the techniques of the Lander-Green algorithm into the Elston-Stewart algorithm. In addition, the technique of local set recoding is introduced to further reduce the complexity of the nuclear family computation. These new algorithms, however, are not universally faster on all types of pedigree data compared to the method implemented in VITESSE v. 1 of summing over the parents. Therefore, a hybrid algorithm is introduced which combines the strength of both summation methods by using a numerical heuristic to decide which of the two to use for a given nuclear family within the pedigree and is shown to be faster than either method on its own. Finally, this paper discusses various complexity issues regarding both the Elston-Stewart and Lander-Green algorithms and possible future directions of further synthesis.

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