Aim:  To study nitrite transport and its oxygenation dependency in pig erythrocytes, as this is fundamental to the possible participation of nitrite in blood flow regulation via its reduction to nitric oxide by deoxygenated haemoglobin (Hb).Methods:  Pig red blood cells (RBCs) were tonometer‐equilibrated to physiological pCO2 in oxygenated and deoxygenated states. Nitrite was added and the kinetics of NO2 influx and methaemoglobin (metHb) formation were assessed at variable temperature and haematocrit.Results:  Nitrite quickly permeated and equilibrated across the membrane, and then continued to enter RBCs as a consequence of its intracellular removal (via reactions with Hb to form nitrate and metHb in oxygenated cells, and NO and metHb in deoxygenated cells). The membrane permeation as such showed little oxygenation dependency, but as metHb formation was significantly higher in oxygenated than deoxygenated RBCs, nitrite transport tended to be largest into oxygenated RBCs. This contrasts with a preferential permeation of deoxygenated RBCs in some fish species. Nitrite transport showed low temperature sensitivity but was speeded up at low haematocrit via more rapid intracellular nitrite removal (metHb formation). Nitrite influx was not affected by inhibitors of facilitated diffusion (DIDS, phloretin and PCMB) and may occur via conductive transport. Extracellular pH was stable during nitrite transport.Conclusion:  Nitrite extensively permeates both oxygenated and deoxygenated pig RBCs, which may enable a dual function of nitrite entry: viz. conversion to NO at low pO2 to promote blood flow and detoxification to non‐toxic nitrate at inappropriate high nitrite levels.

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