Translational diffusion of liquids at surfaces of microporous materials: Theoretical analysis of field-cycling magnetic relaxation measurements

We present a theory of nuclear-spin relaxation appropriate to the case of a mobile liquid dipolar spin diffusing in a quasi-two-dimensional model porous system in the presence of rare paramagnetic impurities fixed at the surface of the pores. This theory predicts that the 1H spin-lattice relaxation rate will be linear in two parts when plotted as a function of the logarithm of the magnetic-field strength and the slopes of these distinct linear regions should be in the ratio 10:3. The theory predicts also a typical pore size dependence for such a rate. The theory is tested at several temperatures using acetone, acetonitrile, dimethylformamide, and dimethylsulfoxide on microporous chromatographic glass beads that have paramagnetic ion impurities at the level of 40 ppm. 1H spin-lattice relaxation rates are recorded over magnetic-field strengths corresponding to 1H Larmor frequencies between 0.01 and 30 MHz using a field-switched magnetic relaxation dispersion spectrometer. The data support the theory quantitatively. The diffusion constant DI for the proton-bearing molecule perpendicular to the normal of the pore surface is found to be nearly a factor of 10 smaller than in the bulk solvents. It is characterized by a small activation energy similar to those in the bulk solvent. These results demonstrate that magnetic relaxation dispersion at low magnetic-field strengths in high-surface-area heterogeneous systems may be quantitatively understood in terms of the parameters of the spatial confinement and the local translational dynamics.