Aspects of panoramic radiography in general dental practice

Objectives To gather information on the types of panoramic x-ray equipment used in NHS dental practice and whether dentists satisfy the legal requirements for safety, to determine which practice personnel take panoramic radiographs and to assess the prevalence of the practice of 'routine' panoramic radiography among NHS dentists. Design Postal questionnaire survey of general dental practitioners carried out during 1997 in selected FHSAs in England and Wales. Results 542 dentists returned the questionnaire, a 73.3% response. Panoramic x-ray equipment ranged in age from 27 years old to new, with 42.2% exceeding 10 years in age. The overwhelming majority of GDPs satisfied the requirement for regular maintenance and surveying of equipment. Almost all dentists (95.9%) performed a history and clinical examination prior to panoramic radiography but 42% practised 'routine screening' of new adult patients. A substantial proportion (36.7%) of dentists used unqualified personnel to take panoramic radiographs. Conclusions While some aspects of this study give reassurance about the prevalence of good practice, widespread panoramic screening and using unqualified staff to take radiographs causes concern. These findings have implications for educators and for those involved in maintaining clinical standards.