Recent studies of reading and word recognition have shown that eye-movement behavior depends strongly on the position in the word that the eye first fixates; the probability of refixating in a word is lowest with the eye near the middle of the word, and it increases as the eye fixates to either side. It has generally been assumed that the cause for this optimal landing position phenomenon lies in the very strong drop-off of visual acuity even within the fovea; refixation should be more likely when the eye starts from a noncentral position, because here less information can be extracted during one fixation. It may, however, be the case that the phenomenon is caused not by acuity drop-off, but by differences in within-word oculomotor scanning tactics as a function of the position that the eye initially fixates. To test this, in the present experiment we kept visual information constant while we varied the initial fixation position. We used homogeneous strings of letters of different length. One letter in each string was different from the rest (e.g., kkkkkok), and this was the letter that the subject initially fixated. This target letter had to be identified before saccading to a comparison string. The position of the target letter in the string was varied from trial to trial. If, owing to acuity limitations, refixations reflect insufficient information extraction, then, because the target letter is always directly fixated, the pattern of refixations in this condition should be independent of the first fixation position. However, the obtained refixation probability showed a strong dependence on the position of first fixation. The number of refixations was independent of the absolute length of the letter strings, but it seemed to be influenced by the proportion of the string over which the eye had to pass. The larger this proportion, the higher the probability of refixation. The results suggest that to a certain extent refixations in letter strings (or words) reflect properties of the oculomotor system rather than visual information extraction.

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