Tritrichomonas mobilensis n. sp. (Zoomastigophorea: Trichomonadida) from the Bolivian Squirrel Monkey Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis1

A trichomonad flagellate, Tritrichomonas mobilensis n. sp., is described from the large intestine of the squirrel monkey, Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis. The organism has a lanceolate body 7-10.5 .mu.m in length; a well developed undulating membrane; a stout, tubular axostyle with periaxostylar rings that terminate in a cone-shaped segment projecting from the posterior end of the cell; and a moderately wide costa. The anterior flagella are about as long as the body, and the recurrent flagellum is of the acroneme type. All its characteristics suggest that the new species belongs in the Tritrichomonas augusta type of the subfamily Tritrichomonadinae.