Experimental Realization of a Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator, Bi 2 Te 3

Topological Insulators: Topological insulators are a recently discovered state of matter, in which the bulk is an insulator while the surface is metallic with counterpropagating spin states. The surface states are protected by the topology, or structure, of the Fermi surface in the bulk gap and are described by a Dirac cone showing linear dispersion behavior meeting at the Dirac point. Chen et al. (p. 178 , published online 11 June) provide a comprehensive photoemission study on Bi 2 Te 3 showing that it too falls into the category of topological band insulators. Moreover, there is just a single surface state with a single Dirac point in the photoemission spectrum. The identification of a material with a single Dirac point removes the ambiguity arising from multiple surface states and provides an ideal test-bed to probe the physics of these exotic new materials.