Changes in relative biological effectiveness with depth of the Clatterbridge neutron therapy beam

We have measured the biological equivalence of the Clatterbridge neutron therapy beam [p(62)-Be] and the Hammersmith neutron therapy beam [d(16)-Be] using the mouse intestinal crypt assay. The ratio (NDR) of Clatterbridge neutron (n + .gamma.) dose relative to Hammersmith neutron dose (n + .gamma.) was found to be 1.2-1.13 over a dose/fraction range of 1.8-9 Gy at 2 cm deep in a Perspex phantom. It is shown that the effectiveness of the Clatterbridge beam was reduced with penetration into the phantom because of hardening of the beam to a maximum reduction of 11% at 12 cm deep in the phantom. The hardening of the beam with depth of penetration will need to be taken into account by clinicians in assessing the tumour dose and tissue tolerance. Relative biological effectiveness values for the Clatterbridge and Hammersmith neutron beams were also measured. All neutron doses for both Hammersmith and Clatterbridge beams are total doses (n + .gamma.) which comply with the European protocol for neutron dosimetry and include the .gamma.-ray component of dose.