Molecular-dynamics investigation of hydrogen hopping in palladium

Diffusive hopping of hydrogen in PdHx has been reexamined with molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations in order to clarify earlier results of Gillan. We obtain the same values for the diffusion coefficient and width Γq of the quasielastic neutron scattering function when Gillan’s potentials are used, but go beyond Gillan in performing a statistical analysis of the jumps. The analysis shows that over 95% of the jumps are uncorrelated and nearest neighbor, but the distribution of times between jumps is highly nonexponential. This latter feature accounts for the departure of Γq, noted by Gillan, from the Chudley-Elliott (CE) theory based on simple one-step nearest-neighbor hopping. A simple physical model of the hopping as a two-step process can explain the results and suggests they are highly sensitive to the H-Pd potential at short distances. A new MD simulation with a harder-core potential gives a Γq in much better agreement with CE. We conclude that the non-CE behavior originally found by Gillan might be seen in real experiments on systems with suitably soft potentials.