Variable stars in nearby galaxies

The nearby galaxies IC 1613 and NGC 6822 were observed over four years to detect short period Cepheids and to obtain good light curves for Fourier decomposition. The program was carried out with a relatively small telescope, the Dutch 0.9 m at ESO-La Silla, and the observations were performed without filter (white light), or Wh-band. In this paper we present the results of the observations of Fields C and D in IC 1613 each). The analysis of the light curves of 3297 stars in the two fields has allowed the detection of 92 variable stars. A total of 34 Population I Cepheids have been found, while only 7 of these objects were previously known in these fields. Most of the stars have short periods and some of them are first overtone mode pulsators. Among the other variable stars there are one eclipsing binary and five W Vir candidates. A nova event was observed in Field D.