Universal Torsion-Induced Interaction from Large Extra Dimensions

We consider the Kaluza-Klein (KK) scenario in which gravity exists in 4+n dimensions while all Standard Model fields are localized on a 4 dimensional brane. Without extra assumptions, the presence of fermions induces a nonzero antisymmetric part to the gravity connection. The result is a universal axial contact interaction that dominates those induced by KK graviton exchange by orders of magnitude at accelerator energies. This enhancement is entirely different from that due to KK exchanges discussed in the literature and originates from a large spin density on the brane. We perform a global fit to the LEP/SLD electroweak Z-pole observables to constrain the universal four-fermion interaction. Current data forbid this interaction at the 2\sigma level and the 3\sigma bound on the scale of quantum gravity is 28 TeV for n=2. If Dirac or light sterile neutrinos are present, the data from SN 1987A increase the bound to \sqrt{n}M_S > 210 TeV.

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