Static magnetic correlations near the insulating-superconducting phase boundary in La$_{2-x}$Sr$_{x}$CuO$_{4}$

An elastic neutron scattering study has been performed on several single crystals of La$_{2-x}$Sr$_{x}$CuO$_{4}$ for {\it x} near the lower critical concentration {\it x$_{c}$} for superconductivity. % In the insulating spin-glass phase ({\it x} = 0.04 and 0.053), the previously reported one-dimensional spin modulation along the orthorhombic {\it b}-axis is confirmed. % Just inside the superconducting phase ({\it x} = 0.06), however, two pairs of incommensurate magnetic peaks are additionally observed corresponding to the spin modulation parallel to the tetragonal axes. % These two types of spin modulations with similar incommensurabilities coexist near the boundary. % The peak-width $\kappa$ along spin-modulation direction exhibits an anomalous maximum in the superconducting phase near {\it x$_{c}$}, where the incommensurability $\delta$ monotonically increases upon doping across the phase boundary. % These results are discussed in connection with the doping-induced superconducting phase transition.

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