Determination of the kinetics of deuteration of DNA.cntdot.RNA hybrids by ultraviolet spectroscopy

The kinetics of the hydrogen-deuterium exchange reactions of poly(dA) .cntdot. poly(rU) and poly-(rA) .cntdot. poly(dT) has been examined, at pH 7.0 and at various temperatures in the C range, by stopped-flow ultraviolet spectrophotometry. For comparison, the deuteration kinetics of poly[d(A-T)] .cntdot. poly[d(A-T)] and poly(rA) .cntdot. poly(rU) has been reexamined. At C, the imino deuteration (NH .fwdarw. ND) rates of the two hybrid duplexes were found to be 1.5 and 1.8 s-1, respectively. These are nearly equal to the imino deuteration rates of poly[d(A-T)] .cntdot. poly [d(A-T)](1.1 s-1) and poly(rA) .cntdot. poly(rU) (1.5 s-1) but appreciably higher than that of poly(dA) .cntdot. poly(dT) (0.35 s-1). It has been suggested that a DNA .cntdot. RNA hybrid, an RNA duplex, and the AT-alternating DNA duplex have in general higher base-pair-opening reaction rates than the ordinary DNA duplex. The amino deuteration (NH2 .fwdarw. ND2) rates, on the other hand, have been found to be 0.25, 0.28, and 0.33 s-1, respectively, for poly(dA) .cntdot. poly(rU), poly(rA) .cntdot. poly(dT), and poly[d(A-T)] .cntdot. poly[d(A-T)], at C. These are appreciably higher than that for poly(rA) .cntdot. poly(rU) (0.10 s-1). In general, the equilibrium constants (K) of the base-pair opening are considered to be greatest for the DNA .cntdot. RNA hybrid duplex (0.05 at C), second greatest for the RNA duplex (0.02 at C), and smallest for the DNA duplex (0.005 at C), although the AT-alternating DNA duplex has an exceptionally great K (0.07 at C). From the temperature effect on the K value, the enthalpy of the base-pair opening was estimated to be 3.0 kcal/mol for the DNA .cntdot. RNA hybrid duplex.