Dichotic Speech Tests

When central auditory dysfunction is present, ability to understand speech in difficult listening situations can be affected. To study this phenomenon, dichotic speech tests were performed with test material in the Swedish language. Digits, spondees, sentences and consonant-vowel syllables were used as stimuli and the reporting was free or directed. The test material was recorded on CD. The study includes a normal group of 30 people in three different age categories; 11 years, 23-27 years and 67-70 years. It also includes two different groups of subjects with suspected central auditory lesions; 11 children with reading and writing difficulties and 4 adults earlier exposed to organic solvents. The results from the normal group do not show any differences in performance due to age. The children with reading and writing difficulties show a significant deviation for one test with digits and one test with syllables. Three of the four adults exposed to solvents show a significant deviation from the normal group.

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