A copper block drop calorimeter to measure the heat content of intensely alpha active materials has been constructed. The furnace, calorimeter, and aluminum isothermal jacket are contained within an inert atmosphere glovebox. This permits the use of unencapsulated materials without exposing personnel to an alpha contamination hazard. The inert atmosphere also permits measurements to be made on materials which are pyrophoric in air. The apparatus is equipped with a suppressed range recorder to monitor continuously the resistance thermometer signal with a resolution of ±0.4 cal/μV. Electrical calibration of the calorimeter yielded a precision of ±0.08% in the thermometer and recording system. The heat content of a sample of Calorimetry Conference sapphire obtained from the National Bureau of Standards was measured, and the results deviated from the Bureau's reported data a maximum of 1.0% at 1008°K. The useful range of the apparatus extends from 306 to about 1450°K.

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