Algorithm 520: An Automatic Revised Simplex Method for Constrained Resource Network Scheduling [H]

DESCRIPTION Purpose Subroutine ARSME solves a resource constrained, network scheduling problem for the case in which activities may be arbitrarily interrupted and restarted later with no increase in activity duration. The number of resource types is not a limiting factor in our procedure. The amount of any one resource available at a ny moment is constant. We shall use the "activity-on-arc" network representation, under the commonly imposed assumption that the network contains no directed cycles and has only one "beginning" and only one "terminal" node (event). It is further assumed that the network nodes (events) are ordered in such a way that node i precedes node j, if i < j. Such an ordering is always possible and it induces an ordering among the arcs (activities). Optimal approaches to resource constrained, network scheduling problems where activities can require more than one resource type are presented in [1, 4]. Both methods assume integer durations of activities, and the method presented in [1] divides activity durations into unit intervals. Both methods can handle networks with up to about 30 activities and 3 resource types. Subroutine ARSME is constructed in such a way that its storage requirements are minimal, a fact which permits the solution of problems for very large networks with many resource types. Moreover, an optimal solution can be obtained in a shorter time when relatively smaller amounts of the resources are available than when resources are less limited. Let the number of activities be equal to M and the number of resource types be equal to