Exciton Spectrum of Cadmium Sulfide

The reflectance and fluorescent spectra of hexagonal CdS crystals have been measured at 77° and 4.2°K using polarized light in the region of 5000 A. Structure not previously reported has been found in the reflectivity curves which leads to the identification of three exciton series. These can be understood in terms of the splitting of the valence band into three levels at k=0. The observation of excited exciton states and the polarization properties of the excitons make possible: (1) The determination of two of the three exciton binding energies, (2) the determination of the energy splittings of the three valence bands, (3) the verification of the symmetry assignments of the valence and conduction bands, and (4) correlation of the work of others with the present work, showing that the definite intrinsic effects are consistent both with our observations and our interpretations. The fluorescent experiments strongly suggest that the radiative decay of excitons occurs not directly, but from localized impurity exciton states in agreement with theory.