Statistical Analysis of Electron-Proton Scattering

We have made a statistical analysis of Stanford measurements of electron-proton scattering. We find that the Rosenbluth formula is valid within the experimental errors in the range 7q225 F2, and in the range of angles covered. We evaluate the form factors GE, GM and F1, F2, their errors, and correlated errors. Our values for the form factors are in reasonable agreement with the analyses of Hofstadter et al., and of Richard Wilson et al. The errors in GM are particularly small; the errors in F1, F2, and GE are of similar magnitude. The coefficient of correlation between the errors of the form factors F1 and F2 is large and negative (-84% to -99%); the coefficient of correlation between the errors of GE and GM is almost as large and negative (-74% to -99%). GE is about 40% larger than GM2.79 for 16.5q225 F2; the ratio of GE to GM2.79 is about two standard deviations from unity in this range of q2.

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