Radioactive Synoviorthesis in Hemophilic Hemarthrosis

Radioactive synoviorthesis with198Au,90Y,186Re, and32P would seem to be the treatment of choice for recurrent hemarthroses in hemophilia. The clinical results, obtained by different centers, show a definite diminution of hemarthroses in 88% of cases. The advantages of radioactive synoviorthesis compared with surgical synovectomy are: better results, the requirement of substantially reduced antihemophilic factor, the possibility of performing the procedure on multiple cases concurrently on an ambulatory basis, no interference with articular range of movement, and the low cost of the procedure. In cases of failure, the procedure can be repeated after 6 months, and on as many as 3 occasions. Studies performed on the chromosomal changes that could be attributed to the radioactive material show the disappearance of these alterations a few years after treatment. No physical changes have been found that could be attributed to cytogenic alteration (hematologic or other) in any reported patients.