Diabetes in St. Regis Mohawk Indians

Objective— To establish a registry of diabetes patients and to determine the point prevalence of diabetes in the St. Regis Mohawk New York community at the end of August 1989. Research Design and Methods— Participants in this study consisted of residents of the St. Regis Mohawk reservation in New York state, who were registered for health care at the St. Regis Mohawk Clinic. This study was a survey of diabetes cases using the National Diabetes Data Group criteria for diagnosis with comparison with the U.S. rates determined from the 1987–1982 National Health Interview Survey and Canadian Mohawk Indian rates from other studies. Results— The age-adjusted prevalence of 48.8/1000 Mohawk population was two times (95% CI 1.2–3.2) the U.S. rate. Although precise comparisons with Canadian studies are difficult because of differences in study design, rates for Quebec Mohawks aged 45–64 yr were similar. Conclusions— A high prevalence (21%) among New York Mohawk Indians <45 yr of age, compared with 17% of diabetic patients in that age-group in the U.S. population, means that complications resulting from diabetes will occur at a relatively young age, placing an increased burden on the health-care system with costs of patient care associated with diabetes increasing accordingly. The registry system is being used to gather information on the prevalence and incidence of diabetic complications and risk factors for developing diabetes. These data will be used to evaluate programs.

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