Ferromagnetism of CrBe12

The intermetallic compound CrBe12 has been found to be ferromagnetic at low temperatures. The ferromagnetic and paramagnetic Curie temperatures are each about 50°K, and at 1.4°K the saturation moment is approximately 0.2 Bohr magnetons per chromium atom. In the liquid-nitrogen temperature range, the magnetization follows a Curie-Weiss law with an effective magneton number of 2.22 Bohr magnetons per chromium atom. The experimental results are discussed in relation to possible magnetization schemes, and compared with other ferromagnetic intermetallic compounds. The compounds Nb2 Be17, NbBe12, Ta2 Be17, TaBe12, MnBe12, UBe13, MoBe12, ZrBe13, and CaBe13 were found to be nonmagnetic and nonsuperconducting above 1.4°K.