First Results from the Anglo‐Australian Planet Search: A Brown Dwarf Candidate and a 51 Peg–like Planet

We report results from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search -- a survey for planets around 200 solar-type stars in the southern hemisphere, which is being carried out on the 3.9m Anglo-Australian Telescope. Limiting Doppler precisions of 3m/s have been demonstrated from the first 2.5 years of operation, making this the highest precision planet search in the southern hemisphere. From these data we report results for two new sub-stellar detections. The first is a "51 Peg"-like planet around the star HD179949 with Msin i = 0.84 Mjup. Photometric study reveals this is not a transiting system. The second is a brown dwarf or very low-mass star companion to HD164427 in an eccentric orbit with Msin i = 46Mjup. Hipparcos data indicate this latter object is unlikely to have a mass greater than 0.18 Msol.Comment: 11 Pages, 3 Figures, 4 table
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