Pacific coast species of the red algae Halymenia and Cryptonemia are described. Of the 8 previously reported species of Halymenia, 3 (H. abyssicola Dawson, H. megaspora Dawson, IL_ refugiensis Dawson) have been placed in synonymy with other species. Halymenia hollenbergii from southern California is described as new; JH. coccineaTsTransferred from Schizymenia (and includes Aeodes garctnerTKylin) and H^ temgletonii is a transfer from Weeksia. Five species of Cryptonemia are described; 1 of them, C. tayjorii from the Revillagigedo Archipelago, as new. Wider distribution ranges are given for the remaining species, C. ovalifolia, C. obovata, C. borealis, and C. angustata. Keys to genera of the west coast Cryptonemiaceae and to the species of Halymenia and Cryptonemia are provided.

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