Incidence and Determinants of IgE-mediated Sensitization in Apprentices

We investigated prospectively the incidence and determinants of work-related specific skin sensitization in a cohort of 769 apprentices, including 417 in animal health technology, 230 in pastry-making, and 122 in dental-hygiene technology. Subjects were recruited when starting exposure to laboratory animals, flour, or latex. A questionnaire and skin-prick tests with common and work-related allergens were administered on entry and at follow-up visits from 8 to 44 mo; information on number of hours of exposure to specific allergens was obtained. Among 769 apprentices, 698 attended >/= 1 follow-up visit. A total of 111 subjects developed specific sensitization over the study period. The incidence of work-related sensitization (per person-year) was 8.9% (95% CI 7.3 to 11.0%) in the animal-health program, 4.2% (95% CI 1.8 to 8.2%) in the pastry-making program, and 2.5% (95% CI = 0.7 to 4.3%) in the dental-hygiene program. In the animal health group, Cox regression analyses showed that atopy, nasal, and respiratory symptoms in the pollen season, and exposure assessed by the school attended or by duration of exposure to rodents were the most significant predictors of sensitization. In the dental-hygiene program, atopy and asthma were significant determinants. This study shows that: (1) an apprenticeship in animal-health technology carries a greater risk of developing specific sensitization than do apprenticeships in pastry-making and dental-hygiene; (2) atopy, respiratory symptoms in the pollen season, and number of hours in contact with rodents determine the risk of sensitization in apprentices in the animal health program.