Diffusional and Conductive Membrane Permeabilities to Ions in Liquid Membrane-Aqueous Inorganic Electrolyte System

Utilizing a liquid membrane-aqueous inorganic electrolyte system, the membrane permeability to ion α estimated from the conductance and potential data, Pα, and that at zero electric current estimated from the salt flow and potential data, Pα0, were determined. A solution of calcium hexadecyl sulfate dissolved in 1-octanol and calcium chloride were used as the liquid membrane and the inorganic electrolyte, respectively. The results showed that Pca0Pcl0PcaPcl≈10 and Pcl0Ps0, where subscript s refers to the salt. The latter result indicates that the diffusion of a salt through the membrane is governed by the co-ion permeation. It was shown that Pα0 is smaller than Pα and that Pα decreases with increase in the concentration of external calcium chloride solution while Pα0 is nearly independent of the concentration. The difference between Pα and Pα0 can be explained in terms of the elements of permeability and conductance matrices estimated from the electrical and salt flow data.