The Disintegration of Surgical Sutures on Exposure to Pancreatic Juice

The loop-breaking strength of various suture materials was tested over a period of 14 days during which time the sutures were incubated in vitro in saline or canine serum, bile, activated or nonactivated pancreatic juice. Under the conditions of the study, silk and nylon maintained their strength in each environment. Polyglycolic acid maintained its strength in saline, bile or serum, but gradually lost much of its strength when exposed to pancreatic juice. Catgut, both plain and chromic, disintegrated almost completely within 24-48 h, respectively, when exposed to enterokinase activated pancreatic juice. Inhibition of trypsin by aprotinin (Trasylol) resulted in preservation of catgut strength but inhibition by soybean inhibitor did not. Proteolytic enzymes, other than trypsin, may be responsible for the disintegration.