A molecular orbital investigation of chemisorption. II. Nitrogen on tungsten (100) surface

The relative bonding energies of nitrogen chemisorbed at three symmetric sites on a W(100) surface, represented by finite arrays of tungsten atoms [L. W. Anders. R. S. Hansen, and L. S. Bartell, J. Chem. Phys. 59, 5277 (1973)] were obtained by means of the extended Hückel molecular orbital theory (EHMO). The preferred site for nitrogen chemisorption was found to be the five coordination number (5 CN) site or the fourfold site with a tungsten atom below four tungsten atoms surrounding the nitrogen atom. The 5p orbital repulsive energy, in the case of hydrogen chemisorption, could be adequately approximated by the sum over pairs of empirical exponential repulsive terms; in the case of nitrogen chemisorption, this same method was approximately 10% in error at the equilibrium bond distance, and repulsive energies were therefore obtained from calculations including tungsten 5p orbitals but with smaller arrays.

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