Most cytosine residues are subject to methylation in the zeta-eta (zeta-eta) region of Neurospora crassa. The region consists of a tandem direct duplication of a 0.8-kilobase-pair element including a 5S rRNA gene. The repeated elements have diverged about 15% by the occurrence of numerous CG to TA mutations, which probably resulted from deamination of methylated cytosines. Most but not all common laboratory strains of N. crassa have methylated duplicated DNA at the zeta-eta locus. However, many strains of N. crassa and strains of N. tetrasperma, N. sitophila, and N. intermedia have one instead of two copies of the homologous DNA and it is not methylated. A cross of strains differing at the zeta-eta locus produced progeny which all had duplicated, methylated, or unique, unmethylated DNA, like the parental strains. We conclude that a signal causing unprecedented heavy DNA methylation is present in the zeta-eta region.