We present a theoretical analysis of high-frequency optical heterodyne saturation spectroscopy in Doppler-broadened coupled three-level systems. The saturating beam, which is assumed to be amplitude modulated at frequency δ (double-sideband suppressed carrier amplitude modulation) is resonant for one of the transitions. Through non-degenerate four-wave mixing processes, this modulation is transferred to a probe beam, resonant for the coupled transition. Saturating and probe fields may be either co-propagating or counter-propagating. The lineshape of the probe modulation is analysed via a third-order perturbation expansion of the atomic density matrix with respect to the incident field amplitudes. The resulting signal is integrated over velocities, in the Doppler limit approximation. Both population saturation effects and coherent (Raman-type, or two-photon) processes contribute to the signal. The various contributions appear as Lorentzian-type resonance doublets. We show that, in the absence of relaxation processes (collisional dephasing, or radiative cascades), destructive interferences between population saturation and coherent two-photon processes are responsible for the disappearance of one resonance doublet. Phase-interrupting collisions are thus predicted to lead to the existence of a « pressure-induced extra-resonance » (PIER) doublet, which could yield information on collisional processes in the impact regime. The properties of the predicted PIER doublets are analysed in relation with other types of PIER signals studied in four-wave mixing, and in time-resolved saturation spectroscopy