Upper Limit of the Bose-Glass Transition inYBa2Cu3O7at High Density of Columnar Defects

The Bose-glass transition in YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals with columnar defects produced by irradiation with 5.8 GeV Pb ions was studied both experimentally and theoretically. The Bose-glass transition line BBG(T) progressively shifts upwards with increasing doses of irradiation φ, up to 1011ions/cm2. For larger φ, the BBG(T) line does not shift anymore, and saturates at BBGmax(T), which is still considerably below Hc2(T). Theoretically, we show that the observed evolution of the Bose-glass transition line provides strong evidence for an intermediate or disentangled vortex liquid phase, sandwiched between the melting line Bm(T) and BBGmax(T), in virgin samples.