Variable‐Range Hopping in Neutron‐Transmutation‐Doped Gallium Arsenide

First investigations are reported on the temperature dependence of the dc‐conductivity at T = = 0.05 to 300 K on neutron‐transmutation‐doped (NTD) n‐GaAs in the vicinity of the metalinsulator transition (MIT). At a medium compensation of K = 0.60 to 0.77 the MIT takes place at the critical electron concentration of nc = 2.3 × 1016 cm−3. On the dielectric side of the MIT in the variable‐range hopping regime (VRH) at T ≦ 10 K the conductivity obeys the equation σ(T) = σ0exp [— (T1/T)1/2] and not the Mottlaw. The experimental values T1 are for all samples much smaller than T1theor for isolated shallow impurities and scale down according to T1 = = T1*(1 ‐ n/nc)1.6±0.4 with T1* = 5.9 K by approaching the MIT. This behaviour is due to the divergency of the localization radius a and the static DK ϵ0 at the MIT. The obtained linear In σ — T−1/2 law over about 2.5 orders of magnitude in temperature variation and more than three orders of magnitude of variation in conductivity is interpreted in the frame of a Coulomb gap with vanishing density of states at the Fermi level, as predicted by Efros and Shklovskii. The pre‐exponential factor ϱ0 = σ0−1 shows also scaling behaviour according to ϱ0 = ϱ0*(1 ‐ n/nc)1.2±0.4 and a value of ϱ0* = 2.2 Ω cm. At nnc σ0 = ϱ0−1 reaches the value of Mott's minimal metallic conductivity of σMM = (Ce2/h) nc1/3, with 0.025 ≦ C ≦ 0.05.