Autologous collagen vocal fold injection: A preliminary clinical study

This preliminary study reports the first use of injectable autologous collagen for vocal fold augmentation. In previous studies, the authors showed cross-linked bovine collagen to be effective in more than 150 patients with glottic incompetence, particularly those with focal defects or scarred or atrophic vocal folds. However, concerns about possible adverse immunologic responses to the bovine material have limited its use. The authors studied eight patients with difficult vocal fold pathology, including sulcus vocalis, atrophy, and scarring secondary to trauma and cordectomy. Skin was harvested under local anesthesia, processed into a naturally cross-linked injectable form (Autologen®), and injected using indirect laryngoscopy. Voice production was evaluated prior to the injection and at intervals after the injection, using subjective, perceptual, aerodynamic, acoustic, and videostroboscopic assessments. The results indicate that autologous collagen is comparable to injectable bovine collagen in the management of several difficult glottic insufficiency problems and that the likelihood of a hypersensitivity response is negligible. Unlike bovine collagen preparations, Autologen does not require breakdown of the natural collagen molecule, so it is anticipated that this material will be better tolerated and more stable over time.