Electron impact excitation of the 3s23p4levels of Ar III

The authors have calculated collision strengths for electron excitation of the 3s23p4 3Pe0.1,2, 1De2 and 1Se0 levels of Ar III using the R-matrix method. They included the five states 3s23p4 3Pe, 1De, 1Se and 3s3p53P0, 1P0, which they represented by configuration interaction wavefunctions. These wavefunctions yield oscillator strengths for allowed transitions between the levels which are in good agreement with the experimental values. Reactance matrices were obtained in LS coupling and were transformed using JAJOM to give the fine-structure collision strengths. The latter have been averaged over a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution to give the effective collision strengths, for temperatures from 4000 to 24000 K. The calculated electron excitation rates are up to 50% larger than previous values at 10000 K due to resonance structure in the collision strengths.