Increased induction and chromosome doubling of androgenetic haploid rye

Further progress of studies aimed at increasing production of androgenetic Secale cereale plants via the culture of anthers is described. Two culture media initially developed for rice and wheat anther culture have been shown to have pronounced influence on rye. It has been possible to increase the average percentages of responsive anthers (i.e. those producing embryoids or calluses) from 0.26% to 10% with a maximum in certain experiments of over 40 %. Of nearly 400 plants produced in 1976, 1/4 are green and can be grown further by transfer to potting compost; 3/4 are albino. Stable green haploid lines were present amongst the plants, and after vegetative propagation of the lines representative samples have been treated with colchicine resulting in diploid, triploid and tetraploid plants. The influence of the genetic background of the donor plants on the success rate of anther culture and on the percentage of albino formation is discussed.