Linkage of the murine steroid sulfatase locus,Sts, to sex reversed,Sxr: a genetic and molecular analysis

We present genetic and molecular data demonstrating linkage of the gene for steroid sulfatase (Sts ) to the mutation sex reversed (Sxr ) definitively showing the existance of a functional allele forSts mapping to the pseudoautosomal region of the mouse Y chromosome. Thus, in mouse, functional Sts genes are present in the pseudoautosomal region of both the X and Y chromosomes. This is in contrast to man where Sts has been mapped to the short arm of the X just centromeric to the pseudoautosomal region. Only a single recombinant separating Sts and Sxr was found out of103 male meioses analyzed; double recombinants were not found between sex (Tdy), Sts and Sxr. If the rate of recombination in the pseudoautosomal region in male mice is equivalent to that in man and thus 7–10X higher than normal, then our data suggest that the distance between Sts and Sxr (or the telomere of the Y) is approximately 100 – 200 kb in length. Our data is in contrast to a recent report of a recombination frequency separating Sts and Sxr of as high as 6.2–9.8%.