Sun-related behaviour in individuals with dysplastic naevus syndrome.

In Sweden, individuals with dysplastic naevus syndrome are regularly screened and informed about self-examination and sun-protection at special clinics. This study describes sun-related behaviour in this group. A total of 54/65 consecutive patients with dysplastic naevus syndrome (28 women and 26 men) completed diary recordings of sun-related behaviour during 1 month in 1994. A majority (81%) reported sunbathing with the intention to get a tan, mean number of occasions 9.2, range 1-24 occasions, during the month of recordings. Out of these, 61% reported sunburns, some of them repeatedly up to 7 times. Sunbathing occurred mainly in bathing suits during midday in sunny weather, with a mean duration of 2.5 h per occasion. Such a hazardous behaviour in the sun in a melanoma high risk group is alarming. New models for intervention to support a more sun protective life style in this group of patient have to be elaborated.

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