Urethral Striated Sphincter Responses to Electro-Bulbocavernosus Stimulation

Electric stimuli of known strength, duration and frequency were applied to the glans penis and the cystosphincterometric and electromyographic responses of the urethral striated sphincter were recorded. Studies performed on male subjects, including normal men, patients with a neurologic deficit and patients who had undergone prostatectomy, indicated the usefulness of this technique in evaluating the striated sphincter excitability via the pudendal reflex arc. The i.v. administration of diazepam produced a notable increase in the striated sphincter threshold, indicating the applicability of this technique to evaluate the effect of various neuropharmacologic agents on the striated sphincter activity. The transit time through the pudendal reflex arc was measured with this method to assess the somatic neural integrity of the lower urinary tract. Studies on patients with post-radical prostatectomy incontinence have suggested that the technique of striated sphincter evaluation may be applied to the prediction of postoperative urinary incontinence.