Gamma-Ray Spectra ofCo60andMn56Following Resonance-Neutron Capture inCo59andMn55

The gamma-ray spectra resulting from neutron capture in the 132-eV resonance of Co59 and the 336-, 1098-, and 2355-eV resonances of Mn55 have been observed with a Ge(Li) spectrometer at the Argonne fast-chopper time-of-flight system. The spectra are compared with the thermal-capture spectra and with the proton spectra observed in deuteron stripping. The reduced gamma-ray width for transitions in Co60 exhibit a dependence on the ln value of the corresponding (d,p) transitions. The thermal and two higher-energy resonance spectra in Mn56 display significant correlation with the corresponding stripping strengths. No such correlation was observed for the 132-eV resonance in Co59 or the 336-eV resonance in Mn55.