Recency Effects in Visual Memory

A number of studies were conducted, in each of which a series of abstract visual patterns was presented, and the subject was then asked to choose which of two test items was in the list. The items contained specifiable visual features, and similarity could therefore be varied in a relatively known way. As in earlier studies by other workers with randomly generated patterns, a recency effect was obtained. However, this effect did not depend on similarity between the items in the list, or between them and an intervening activity. Such factors do in some cases affect the average level of performance, but not the magnitude of recency. Nor was recency abolished by tasks interposed between presentation and test. These findings suggest a general mechanism of short-term memory, rather than a specifically sensory one. However, the recency effect did depend on the similarity of location of items in the visual display. Thus there is some evidence for a specific sensory store, with items arriving more recently over-writing those which came earlier and which were similar in location.

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