Effect of Phenylphosphorodiamidate on Ammonia Volatilization as Affected by Soil Temperature and Rates and Distribution of Urea

Laboratory incubation studies were conducted to evaluate the ability of phenylphosphorodiamidate (PPD) to inhibit urea hydrolysis and control NH3 volatilization losses. Complete hydrolysis of the uninhibited urea occurred within 8 d at all temperatures studied, and resulted in volatilization of more than 25% of the applied N within 10 d. Application of 20 mg PPD kg−1 of soil essentially prevented urea hydrolysis and resultant NH3 losses for 1, 2, 4, 8, and 17 d at 35, 25, 15, 10, and 5°C, respectively. This delay in the onset of NH3 losses due to PPD application kept NH3 losses during the first 10 d to 3 losses at 25 and 35°C. Such limited effectiveness of PPD at higher temperatures will no doubt reduce its utility for application to soils with surface temperatures above 25°C. Application of lower concentrations of urea gave reduced NH3 losses, both with and without PPD, likely due to a greater ability of other N transformations to compete for the reduced ammonium pools. Ammonia losses were also reduced, with and without PPD, when the urea was distributed throughout a larger soil volume, presumably due to a greater proportion of the urea being hydrolyzed below the immediate soil surface.

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