Chemistry of the Cephalic and Dufour's Gland Secretions of Melissodes Bees1

The cephalic secretions of both sexes of the anthophorid bees, Melissodes desponsa Smith and female M. denticulata Smith contain n-C20 to n-C27 hydrocarbons, n-hexadecanoic acid, and n-octadecanoic acid; male M. denticulata heads yielded 6 saturated and unsaturated butyrate esters from n-dodecyl butyrate to n-octadecyl butyrate. The Dufour's gland of M. desponsa contains n-tetradecyl acetate, dihydrofarnesyl acetate, and farnesyl acetate. Cephalic secretions may be used in aggregation, mating and defense; the acetates may serve to identify subterranean cells. The utilization of pheromones for wild bee pollination management is proposed.