Overexpression of ADAM9 in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Correlates with Brain Metastasis

The “a disintegrin and metalloprotease” (ADAM) family contributes to regulation of the cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions that are critical determinants of malignancy. To determine the relationship between metastasis and ADAM proteins, we compared the mRNA levels of ADAM9, -10, -12, -15, and -17 in sublines of an EBC-1 lung cancer cell line that were highly metastatic to either brain or bone. ADAM9 mRNA levels were significantly higher in highly brain-metastatic sublines than in the parent or highly bone-metastatic sublines. To elucidate the role of ADAM9 in brain metastasis, we stably transfected A549 and EBC-1 cells with a full-length ADAM9 expression vector. Compared with mock-transfectants, ADAM9 overexpression resulted in increased invasive capacity in response to nerve growth factor, increased adhesion to brain tissue, and increased expression of integrin α3 and β1 subunits. Administration of the anti-β1 monoclonal antibody attenuated this increase in invasive and adhesive activity. Intravenous administration of ADAM9-overexpressing A549 cells to mice resulted in micrometastatic foci in the brain and multiple metastatic colonies in the lungs. In contrast, administration of parent and mock-transfected A549 cells to mice resulted in lung tumors without brain metastasis. These results suggest that ADAM9 overexpression enhances cell adhesion and invasion of non-small cell lung cancer cells via modulation of other adhesion molecules and changes in sensitivity to growth factors, thereby promoting metastatic capacity to the brain.