The effects of sequential releases of double translocation-carrying males, T(8;9),T(3;12), on growth of a laboratory population were studied. Populations were initiated with crosses of 5 double males to 5+/+females (5 replicates). A previously developed progeny group method was used. Releases equaled 1.5 to 2× the number of nymphs in each group. Most hatch was from the 1st 3 oöthecae, but that from the 3rd was unexpectedly small. Complete sterility from embryonic trapping occurred in a least one of the 5 replicates of every group. Its occurrence in all replicates was most frequent among F3 groups. The total number of nymphs/generation increased in the F2 but decreased in the F3. A reconstruction of the total population indicated that decline in hatch and, subsequently, in total numbers, began in the 8th and 9th mo, respectively.