Bacillary angiomatosis in HIV-infected patients: report of three cases with different clinical courses and identification of Rochalimaea quintana as the aetiological agent

Three cases of cutaneous bacillary angiomatosis in HIV‐infected patients are reportcd. They differed proloundly with respeet to the extent of the lesions and the clinical course. In two cases, Rochtilinuiea quintana was identitied by direct scqucncing of the DNA ampliflcd with the polymerase chaiti reaction (PCR). whereas an easy, rapid method hased on the restriction length of polymorphisin analysis of PCR products (PCR‐RFLP) was used in the third case. This report illustrates the varialions in clinical presentations and evolutivc protiles in patients with baciltary angiomatosis, and contirms the causal role of R. quintana in this disease.

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